Monday, June 14, 2010


It has been awhile since I last posted...but that does NOT mean that the Lord has not been moving! It just means I have been moving too much to stop and give this blog deserved attention! I want to highlight on May and June's outreach:

We went to our regular clubs-Moments, Show Palace, XTC, Moulin Cabaret and Royal Palace. We prepared for about 100 girls this time, as opposed to the normal 72, because in April we ended up going back to the church to make more bags in the middle of the outreach due to large numbers in some of the clubs. We give bags to ALL women in the clubs (dancers, bartenders, waitresses and patrons);we also give them to the managers who have wives or daughters. The bags each had Laurie's famous baked goods, a book written by Bethany Scanlon-The Life of a Lie-A Dancer's Dream, which was written specifically for this ministry, a tiny little pocket book of scriptures for comfort, jewelry, the Purse Prayer and our church information.
We did not make it into Moments again, but we believed that we would soon. We did however, give them to the manager on duty-who has been so kind to take them in for us. He has been a blessing to us in his own way because of his willingness to deliver the bags for us even though the club rules there will not allow us in the door.

Show Palace was another exceptional time! When we arrived, so many of the girls working that night knew us and were happy to see us. The Lord moved mightily and two girls gave there hearts to the Lord. One of them was really crying and publicly saying that she needed God to do something for her, because she could not go on the way she had been living. THAT is why we do this! :)

Next we went to XTC where God moved again in a powerful way. Another girl was saved while we held hands and prayed. She initially needed prayer for family members, but I asked her if she had ever met Jesus personally. She said no but that she would like to. When we prayed the prayer of salvation and she repeated it after me, she began to squeeze my hand and cry. She told us afterward that she felt like something had been lifted off of her shoulders and that she felt clean! That was truly beautiful to see. We prayed for several others there for various needs. Back in April, the manager had actually stood at the door of the dressing room and reprimanded girls and men who were busting through the door too loud. He would tell them that they should respect the fact that we were having a "prayer meeting". How great is that??

At Moulin Cabaret, we spent a good amount of time talking with the manager there. He has been there everytime we have gone for the last 8 months. It has been a slow process convincing him that God loves him just the way he is, but we are still making progress and I believe with all of my heart that this man will be powerfully saved soon and will testify to the goodness of God in his life!

Our last club-Royal Palace was interesting as well. A few months back, there had been a girl there that adamantly told us that she did not believe in God. She was there again this night, but this time she grabbed Kelly, one of the team, and told here that she knows what she said last time to us, but that she wanted to find a church to bring her little boy to. She also let Kelly know that she had been previously involved in her youth group in leadership a few years back. It seems to me that God is chasing after her--even into the dark stripclubs. :)

This last Thursday-June 10, we went again.

Moments-I actually got my foot in the door without being stopped! I think I could of continued on, but I felt to stay and ask for the manager to come to the door to meet me. I am praying that act of respect will have gained more us more trust by next month!

Show Palace- We prayed for several girls in the dressing room. This place is so funny--the DJ sees us walk in and says "Look it is the church ladies...I hope they brought brownies this time" He has been saying something to the effect for months now and we love it! It is never a mockery, but almost more like an introduction.

XTC-lots of prayer for the girls. One girl asked for us to pray that God would heal the sickness in her body. Most asked for prayers for finances to meet their needs or for their children. One girl asked for prayer for her children and when I asked their ages-she said one of them was 4 and the other had passed away as a stillborn child. When I approached her to pray for her privately, she first tried to say that she was fine, but I pressed a little and she told me that her heart is still broken. I know that God hurts for these kinds of pain. I really felt His love as we prayed over her broken heart. Apparently, as I was busy praying like we had all year to do so, Tara was watching as a girl we have not seen before, started getting angry that we were there and began throwing away the gifts!! I am glad that I was shielded from that knowledge or I would of felt the need to get the ladies out of the club before some kind of chaos started. The Lord knew it would be okay and these girls that were being prayed for needed His undivided attention.

Moulin Cabaret-More time outside with the manager. I am telling you-this man belongs to Jesus. He said he is trying to get things together in his life before he makes a commitment to God. The devil always tries to use that one doesn't he? We of course told him the truth, but he is a work in progress!

Please as you read this blog, take a few moments and ask God to bless this work. He is the One who has done everything and made it all possible. Greater Harvest Church and this Dancers To Daughters ministry completely understands that He is the author and finisher of our faith and that without His love and provision we would fall flat. We are about to celebrate our 1 Year anniversary next month!!! Only the Lord could of done what has been done in the last 12 months and STILL be planting seeds through us for an even greater harvest in the next 12!

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