Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sharing God's Love for Valentines Day!

Thursday night, February 11, we went to the clubs with our Valentines Day bags. The bags included a heart shaped oriental style box with a rhinestone bracelet or hair comb inside each one, homemade chocolate chip cookies, the purse prayer and our church contact information. We stopped by the club that we have not been able to get into yet and the manager that always takes the bags in to the girls for me, met me outside again. I see such a longing in his eyes for something. He has very sincere and kind eyes and always seems to want to say more. He appreciates what we do for the girls, but the Owner has said that we cannot come in. In Jesus Name-that day is coming!
The next club we went to was where we have had our bible studies and 7 salvations. It has been our favorite club to go into because of the response and the favor with the manager. This time though, the club was PACKED and there were no girls in the dressing room to pray with. They were all working on the floor, so we gave them bags where they were, including leaving them on the stage for the girls that were dancing. My heart was deeply troubled leaving this club because of the previous fruit that we have seen and the level of "work" being performed this night. It is time to go back and do another bible study. On the other hand, one of the dancers there that got saved but still works there has been coming to church. She has missed a few weeks, but when she heard it was my birthday today(Valentines Day), she showed up at church to wish me a happy birthday.....that meant alot to me.
Next, we went to a club that had been shut down previously for renovations. It was reopened with new management and I wondered if we would have favor with the new guys. We walked in, told them what we were doing and asked permission to bless the girls. Both men said that would be fine, so we handed out the bags and when we were leaving one of the managers said that he thought what we just did was great and that we could come back again. Praise God! We had already claimed that place for the Lord, so I should have known a change of hands wouldn't change God's hand in it!
We then went to another club that we have been in for about 3 months. The bartender there, who is a lady, really seems to be open to us. She offered us water or Red Bull...I thought that was sweet. The manager there really appreciates our efforts in the club and I feel that he is right on the verge of making a choice for Christ. I have invited him to church and am believing he will show up soon.
Our last club of the night didn't seem to have any girls working, but we were shown the dressing room upstairs where we found T, A, N, A, and T. (using first initials to protect identity). After talking for a few minutes, I asked if we could pray with them. Nobody objected, so we prayed according to their individual prayer requests while holding hands in a circle. One of the "T"s admitted after praying that she does not believe in God. I told her to sincerely ask for God to prove Himself to her in His own way. I assured her that He would and I am praying that her heart will be receptive to the truth when answers her.
The Lord has shown some powerful things for the future of this ministry and we continue to ask for your prayers of faith with us. These girls are so important and so beautiful. My heart feels for them all the time and I am most inspired to continue this work because of the future I see for them when I pray. I see preachers, and teachers and anointed singers and counselors and pastors wives. I see moms who love their children and husbands and are esteemed in the community. I see daughters that belong to God.