Friday, February 24, 2012

Valentines Week Trip to the Clubs!

We took a team of five women and two men drivers out to the Southeast Houston Adult entertainment clubs the week of Valentines Day, so that we could hand deliver gift bags and share the Love of God with the girls, managers, bouncers, dj's and patrons. By July of this year, we will have been going in to these clubs for three years!! I am still amazed at the receptiveness of our efforts by the managers and the girls who work there. I am not sure why I am amazed, considering that what we offer has been attractive to hurting, broken and lonely people for ever! The love of our Creator, God, is so much more powerful than we can possibly imagine. It can pummel through brick walls erected by human hearts, faster than a hand swiping through a baby spider web. There is no stopping the effects of this love, once it is administered in a pure way. Though our team walks away after handing out gift bags, praying and giving sincere hugs and affirmation to these beautiful people, the Love that we came to demonstrate stays on. We are driving off to the next club, and God's love is lingering back there, beginning new works, healing hurt hearts, convicting areas of sin, changing circumstances to circumvent what Satan had planned and ulitimately doing everything we wish we could stay and do for them, but are not able to!

This particular night was a little different in that we came back with 23 bags because so few girls were working in each of the clubs. Two of them were almost empty of girls in comparison to our other trips there. Where there would be 18-20 working, there might be 5 or 6. This was good in one sense...they were not there. On the flip side, we didn't get to see them. This ministry has that fine line to deal with. You want to touch base and love on a girl that you have ministered to before, but you also don't ever want to see them in there again!

There was plenty of prayer requested by those that were there in each of the clubs though! We are usually back in the dressing rooms and at some point end up standing in a proverbial prayer circle praying for each persons requested needs. It is wonderful and lovely and moving everytime. There are often tears from a couple of girls that are at the end of their ropes. There are also often several each trip that tell us..." this has to be God that you guys are here..I just prayed for an answer for all this mess I'm in!"

I met one girl in particular who read the Purse Prayer that was in the gift bag. The purse prayer is just a small piece of paper with a scripture and a corresponding prayer after it, so that they have a little something to stick in their purse and hopefully run across when needed! She said to me-"this Purse Prayer is more important to me than this full size bottle of Bath and Body Spray!" She then told me that she really needed to hear that scripture right then. I looked into her eyes and could easliy see past the makeup and the smoke. I saw a heart that knew Jesus and had walked away. I asked her if this was right and she began to cry. She tried to convince me that Jesus was tired of her messing up; tired of working with her; exhausted by her empty promises. Though she was about a good head and shoulders taller than me, I looked up at her and told her to look in my eyes. I then tried to convince her: He is not tired of you messing up...He knows your weaknesses; He is not tired of working with you..He is aggressively pursuing you; He has promises that will never falter and He depends on those to keep us in relationship with Him..not our empty claims. She said.."do you really think so?" I told her to look at the bag in her hand. This bag was not from me, the team or Greater Harvest church. This bag was from Jesus Himself and He knew she would be there for us to deliver it for Him. She said she wanted to come to church. I hope hope hope she does, or that God takes her to any church that will lead her back into His arms again!

We go again in April, please be praying for us and if you are able to donate small gifts or bibles for about 80 girls, we would love to take those out and pour out Gods' love with your help!

I can be emailed at if you have any questions about donating, or the ministry in general.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentines Day Visit

Tonight we went to the South Houston mens clubs that we have been going to for almost two years, in lieu of Valentines Day next week. We brought gift bags that had Rhinestone heart necklaces, chunky rhinestone heart bracelets/earrings, brownies, and a purse prayer in each one. Our team tonight consisted of our driver-David, Pastor Tara, Leslie, Laurie, Kelly and myself. We have started going about every six-eight weeks, instead of each month.
Our trip tonight was very fruitful! Prayed for the girls in two dressing rooms in two different clubs. Prayed for one precious girl right on the side of the stage at one club. She has only been in the industry for a week and grew up going to church. She cried and told me that she didn't want to do this, but didn't know how to make it on her own down here in Texas financially without the "fast" money of this business. She also said she wanted to come to church. Before we left that club, the cashier, a petite little blond, gave her life to Jesus! When I first talked to her about Jesus and then asked if she would like to make Him her Savior, she said yes, but that she felt uncomfortable praying for that in the club. I explained to her that Jesus was there and that He was very comfortable coming in to her life right there in the club! I asked her again, if she wanted to have a relationship with Jesus by asking Him to come into her life tonight. This time she said "yes...because I feel energy in me and around me..." I told her that was the presence of God and that by giving her life to Him, she would have access to that presence all of the time! Her little hands were tremblinge as she prayed a prayer of repentance and acceptance of Jesus. It was truly awesome. :) Please continue to pray for this ministry, as the Lord is mightily moving in it to save and set free both the men and women trapped in this lifestyle.
I have not blogged this awesome piece of news yet: One of the managers from one of the clubs is now coming to church with his wife and children and is responding very positively to the Word of God. Please pray for him that God will make a way of escape from that job and replace it with one that will meet all of his needs.
If you read this blog and feel a tug in your heart to reach out to the broken around you, I encourage you to just do it. There are hurting people EVERYWHERE and they are waiting on someone to tell them that they are not alone and there is a God who loves them and has a plan for their lives. God Bless you!

Monday, June 14, 2010


It has been awhile since I last posted...but that does NOT mean that the Lord has not been moving! It just means I have been moving too much to stop and give this blog deserved attention! I want to highlight on May and June's outreach:

We went to our regular clubs-Moments, Show Palace, XTC, Moulin Cabaret and Royal Palace. We prepared for about 100 girls this time, as opposed to the normal 72, because in April we ended up going back to the church to make more bags in the middle of the outreach due to large numbers in some of the clubs. We give bags to ALL women in the clubs (dancers, bartenders, waitresses and patrons);we also give them to the managers who have wives or daughters. The bags each had Laurie's famous baked goods, a book written by Bethany Scanlon-The Life of a Lie-A Dancer's Dream, which was written specifically for this ministry, a tiny little pocket book of scriptures for comfort, jewelry, the Purse Prayer and our church information.
We did not make it into Moments again, but we believed that we would soon. We did however, give them to the manager on duty-who has been so kind to take them in for us. He has been a blessing to us in his own way because of his willingness to deliver the bags for us even though the club rules there will not allow us in the door.

Show Palace was another exceptional time! When we arrived, so many of the girls working that night knew us and were happy to see us. The Lord moved mightily and two girls gave there hearts to the Lord. One of them was really crying and publicly saying that she needed God to do something for her, because she could not go on the way she had been living. THAT is why we do this! :)

Next we went to XTC where God moved again in a powerful way. Another girl was saved while we held hands and prayed. She initially needed prayer for family members, but I asked her if she had ever met Jesus personally. She said no but that she would like to. When we prayed the prayer of salvation and she repeated it after me, she began to squeeze my hand and cry. She told us afterward that she felt like something had been lifted off of her shoulders and that she felt clean! That was truly beautiful to see. We prayed for several others there for various needs. Back in April, the manager had actually stood at the door of the dressing room and reprimanded girls and men who were busting through the door too loud. He would tell them that they should respect the fact that we were having a "prayer meeting". How great is that??

At Moulin Cabaret, we spent a good amount of time talking with the manager there. He has been there everytime we have gone for the last 8 months. It has been a slow process convincing him that God loves him just the way he is, but we are still making progress and I believe with all of my heart that this man will be powerfully saved soon and will testify to the goodness of God in his life!

Our last club-Royal Palace was interesting as well. A few months back, there had been a girl there that adamantly told us that she did not believe in God. She was there again this night, but this time she grabbed Kelly, one of the team, and told here that she knows what she said last time to us, but that she wanted to find a church to bring her little boy to. She also let Kelly know that she had been previously involved in her youth group in leadership a few years back. It seems to me that God is chasing after her--even into the dark stripclubs. :)

This last Thursday-June 10, we went again.

Moments-I actually got my foot in the door without being stopped! I think I could of continued on, but I felt to stay and ask for the manager to come to the door to meet me. I am praying that act of respect will have gained more us more trust by next month!

Show Palace- We prayed for several girls in the dressing room. This place is so funny--the DJ sees us walk in and says "Look it is the church ladies...I hope they brought brownies this time" He has been saying something to the effect for months now and we love it! It is never a mockery, but almost more like an introduction.

XTC-lots of prayer for the girls. One girl asked for us to pray that God would heal the sickness in her body. Most asked for prayers for finances to meet their needs or for their children. One girl asked for prayer for her children and when I asked their ages-she said one of them was 4 and the other had passed away as a stillborn child. When I approached her to pray for her privately, she first tried to say that she was fine, but I pressed a little and she told me that her heart is still broken. I know that God hurts for these kinds of pain. I really felt His love as we prayed over her broken heart. Apparently, as I was busy praying like we had all year to do so, Tara was watching as a girl we have not seen before, started getting angry that we were there and began throwing away the gifts!! I am glad that I was shielded from that knowledge or I would of felt the need to get the ladies out of the club before some kind of chaos started. The Lord knew it would be okay and these girls that were being prayed for needed His undivided attention.

Moulin Cabaret-More time outside with the manager. I am telling you-this man belongs to Jesus. He said he is trying to get things together in his life before he makes a commitment to God. The devil always tries to use that one doesn't he? We of course told him the truth, but he is a work in progress!

Please as you read this blog, take a few moments and ask God to bless this work. He is the One who has done everything and made it all possible. Greater Harvest Church and this Dancers To Daughters ministry completely understands that He is the author and finisher of our faith and that without His love and provision we would fall flat. We are about to celebrate our 1 Year anniversary next month!!! Only the Lord could of done what has been done in the last 12 months and STILL be planting seeds through us for an even greater harvest in the next 12!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sharing God's Love for Valentines Day!

Thursday night, February 11, we went to the clubs with our Valentines Day bags. The bags included a heart shaped oriental style box with a rhinestone bracelet or hair comb inside each one, homemade chocolate chip cookies, the purse prayer and our church contact information. We stopped by the club that we have not been able to get into yet and the manager that always takes the bags in to the girls for me, met me outside again. I see such a longing in his eyes for something. He has very sincere and kind eyes and always seems to want to say more. He appreciates what we do for the girls, but the Owner has said that we cannot come in. In Jesus Name-that day is coming!
The next club we went to was where we have had our bible studies and 7 salvations. It has been our favorite club to go into because of the response and the favor with the manager. This time though, the club was PACKED and there were no girls in the dressing room to pray with. They were all working on the floor, so we gave them bags where they were, including leaving them on the stage for the girls that were dancing. My heart was deeply troubled leaving this club because of the previous fruit that we have seen and the level of "work" being performed this night. It is time to go back and do another bible study. On the other hand, one of the dancers there that got saved but still works there has been coming to church. She has missed a few weeks, but when she heard it was my birthday today(Valentines Day), she showed up at church to wish me a happy birthday.....that meant alot to me.
Next, we went to a club that had been shut down previously for renovations. It was reopened with new management and I wondered if we would have favor with the new guys. We walked in, told them what we were doing and asked permission to bless the girls. Both men said that would be fine, so we handed out the bags and when we were leaving one of the managers said that he thought what we just did was great and that we could come back again. Praise God! We had already claimed that place for the Lord, so I should have known a change of hands wouldn't change God's hand in it!
We then went to another club that we have been in for about 3 months. The bartender there, who is a lady, really seems to be open to us. She offered us water or Red Bull...I thought that was sweet. The manager there really appreciates our efforts in the club and I feel that he is right on the verge of making a choice for Christ. I have invited him to church and am believing he will show up soon.
Our last club of the night didn't seem to have any girls working, but we were shown the dressing room upstairs where we found T, A, N, A, and T. (using first initials to protect identity). After talking for a few minutes, I asked if we could pray with them. Nobody objected, so we prayed according to their individual prayer requests while holding hands in a circle. One of the "T"s admitted after praying that she does not believe in God. I told her to sincerely ask for God to prove Himself to her in His own way. I assured her that He would and I am praying that her heart will be receptive to the truth when answers her.
The Lord has shown some powerful things for the future of this ministry and we continue to ask for your prayers of faith with us. These girls are so important and so beautiful. My heart feels for them all the time and I am most inspired to continue this work because of the future I see for them when I pray. I see preachers, and teachers and anointed singers and counselors and pastors wives. I see moms who love their children and husbands and are esteemed in the community. I see daughters that belong to God.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bringing Christ to the Clubs

It has been a month since I last posted....and a very busy month! We took our monthly bags to the ladies in the clubs this month for Christmas. Each bag contained a Pearl Bracelet, Necklace and Earring Set, a book, which I will talk about more below, a rose, some candy and a Purse Prayer. Our visit was well received again by all the ladies and management. Some of the ladies called me by name-which I have to admit was extremely heart-warming. One of the clubs had zero business when we walked in, which made it easy to just sit with the girls and talk and pray for a few minutes. Two of the ladies we talked with and prayed for actually called the church a few days later. I returned their phone call and spent an hour listening to one of their life story's. She has many issues and circumstances surrounding her life right now that would serve to both drive her to the Lord and to drive her away from the Lord. Please pray that God would rescue her now and place her feet on solid ground, so that Satan cannot use these circumstances to lie to her about Gods' love for her.
The book that we gave the ladies is written by Deanna (Tyra) Wilson and is called "A Wounded Daughters Diary"-Exploring Gods Grace from the Stripclub to the Classroom. It was just recently published and the lady who wrote it is a friend of mine. We went to bible college together 15-16 years ago, and between then and now-she has walked a road that would now allow her to minister effectively to the dancers we are trying to reach. The Lord brought her back into my life through Facebook and has connected us to minister to the broken people in the stripclubs. I have already had some ladies tell me that they have started or finished the book and that it is helping them. Please pray for Tyra that God would do more than she ever imagined with this labor of love in writing her testimony for others to read.
Additionally, Greater Harvest Church bought Christmas gifts for two of the ladies children that recently gave their hearts to the Lord. One of them received 4 new outfits for her 7 month old and the other received 5 new shirts and a pair of basketball shorts for her 13 yr. old son.
In looking forward to 2010, I am believing God to give us even greater access to the clubs He directs us to, for more bible studies with more salvations as a result, for a larger percentage of those that respond in the clubs to come to church and ultimately to see Daughters made of these Dancers!
Thank you for taking the time to read these blogs and to pray for the harvest. Your prayers are not in vain-I promise you.

Monday, November 30, 2009

That not even ONE would Perish!!

The more we do this, the more we are amazed at the strategic and creative and loving ways that God will move to turn these ladies into His daughters! If you read back to the last bible study, you will find that Becki, Kelly and I had quite a chaotic environment to hold a bible study in. One of the girls was especially bent on making a distraction. That is time that the bouncer came in and gave his life to the Lord. Well, when we went back this last Tuesday, I specifically prayed for that particular girl, before we ever got out of the car to go in. I asked God to make it possible that I could present her to Him that night. We went to the dressing room to wait for any girls to come in. This one girl was the first to walk in and she did so with her arms outstretched to give us a hug!!! She went and got another dancer who remembered us from XTC a few months ago. The two of them sat and listened for about 40 minutes. They had a lot of questions, fears and concerns about Christianity. God was faithful to fill my mouth with words of comfort and truth that they could understand. I asked them both if they were ready to commit theirs lives to Jesus. To be honest, I was not sure I would get a positive response. They BOTH said they wanted Him to come into their hearts!!!!! Before we prayed for them individually, I asked if anyone else in the room wanted prayer. We ended up with 9 of us in a circle holding hands. Two were guys who had come in to pick up two of the girls to take them home!
Jesus meant it when He said to go into all the world and preach the gospel. It is also true that we can do this because we can do ALL things through Christ who gives us the strength!! Please pray for our continued success, for signs, miracles and wonders to follow us, and for our protection.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Plowing the Ground

Last Thursday night, our team went back to the clubs. Each time we go, it is amazing to see the difference in experience.

We went back to Moments, where we were told last time that we could not leave the bags with the girls. Kelly and I made it into the doors this time and met the manager at the front. He was the manager that had allowed us to give the bags in previous times. I told him that it was good to see him and he agreed to take all of the bags back to the ladies. Thank you Lord!

Next, we went to Show Palace, where we have been having the bible studies in the dressing room. The receptionist, bartender and manager now know me by name and acted excited to see us. As we made our way to the dressing rooms, the DJ announced over the speaker that the "church ladies are here". LOL! That is really funny! The dressing room had girls that were all new to us in there. We gave the bags, answered some questions as to why we were doing this, and then prayed in a big circle. One precious girl was five months pregnant, and though she was cold to us when we first walked in, she was crying at the end of the prayer. I put my hands on her pregnant belly and prayed that God would protect and bless her child. I brought up the bible study to these new girls and they agreed that they would like to be a part of it!!! One girl responded by saying-" can't hurt." On our way out, I saw one the ladies that I had purposely brought a bible to give to her. I didn't realize that she was there, because she was out on the floor working. She stopped dancing for a moment, gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I told her that I had the bible for her. She was very thankful. I set the Word of God on the stage next to her and when I walked out, I turned and saw the bible sitting up there where she was dancing. What a beautiful and perfect image!!! Jesus is the Word made manifest and that is exactly where He wants us to take Him--to the hurting, to the shamed, to the sick, to the lonely, to the sinner, to the backslider. He has no problem being in the midst of people in these conditions. We are so honored to be His ambassadors!

Our next stop was Moulin Cabaret. They had a new manager, but he listened to our reason for being there and then escorted us in. Immediately, we saw three ladies standing together to the side of the stage. I attempted to hand a bag to one of them who quickly told me -"No thank you". She was very irritated at our presence there and I tried to explain what was in the gift bags and gave it another shot. She still refused to take it. I simply handed a bag right past her to another girl and then to the other one. One of the other two grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear-"what church do you go to?". I told her and she said that she really needed help. I walked her to the bar and saw that Kelly was behind me walking with the other girl who accepted the bag. We sat and talked and she explained that she was homeless and that the other girl talking to Kelly was her daughter. That literally broke my heart. She said that when we walked in the door, she saw so much compassion on my face that she knew she could talk to me. I explained to her that what she saw in my face was the love that Jesus has for her and that He wanted to make a way out for her. Since then, we have put her in a hotel for the week, gathered a few clothes for the two of them and stocked them on groceries. Please pray for this mother and daughter. The mother committed her life to Christ last night and wants to be picked up for church on Sunday.

Our last stop was at the Royal Palace, where we were successful in getting in again. There was not alot of personal contact with the girls, as they were all working, but we did get a few hugs.

There have been 2 girls and 2 patrons of these various clubs that have attended church more than once now and we are really believing for a complete healing in their lives. Please continue to pray that we are equipped with the necessary resources to help them in their present financial conditions and also that the forces of hell will be pushed back, so that these beautiful daughters of God can experience true and lasting love.